Had a lovely little hike/scramble on the Billy Goat Trail with some friends. Nice day (though a little warmer than I expected). Lots of other people enjoying the hike too! Click the photo to enter the gallery:
I picked up a Sony (ugh) Nex-5n with the kit lens, the EVF, and a few old manual focus lenses. It’s fun and somewhat easy to shoot with manual focus lenses on this body since it has something called “focus peaking“. I’ve taken a few hundred photos over the past 24 hours and I’ve got a new walkabout gallery (click the photo at the end). With the tilting rear LCD it’s very easy to get candid photos. I just hold the camera at my waist and fire away. I actually like doing that better than pulling the camera up to my face. I’ve barely used the (expensive) EVF I purchased. […]
First trip J and I take to Italy. In fact, this is the first “real” vacation abroad we’ve had since 2004. Our goal was to 1. see many different parts of Italy, 2. not feel insanely rushed the entire trip. I think we had a good balance – a few days each in Rome, Amalfi Coast, Tuscany, and Venice. In short: lovely country, nice people, expensive car rental insurance. My trip gallery is here. A few samples follow the colon:
I had the wrong lens that day. J and I were at the Crafty Bastards craft fair a few weeks ago. My go-to lens when we’re just walking around is the 50mm. It’s just right. I’ll switch to the 35mm if we’ll be inside or with friends (since I tend to be closer to the subjects). The craft fair was VERY crowded. I think there were over 60 vendors in the space of two tennis and one basketball courts. Just so many people. I should have had at least the 35mm and maybe even the 24mm. In tight quarters the 50mm becomes a portrait lens…
While in Massachusetts to attend Sam and Alli’s wedding we took a little time do some sight-seeing. Friday night we saw some ads for the “BigE“, which apparently is the NE’s regional “state” fair. State fairs are always fun. Fried food. Amusement rides. Giant horses. Pigs. Parades. So of course we went. And, as expected, it was amusing. It’s a large fair, though not as agricultural as other fairs I’ve been to. Less farm animals and more state-specific advertising (each state has their own house where they promote their own uniqueness). On Saturday Jaime spent some time in a yarn store while I wandered around Northampton. After the wedding we […]
I’ve gone back through my back catalog (encompassing roughly the last year) and have added (or updated to) a LOT of new galleries. I still have to update my main index.html page to reflect these updates. In no particular order (click on the photo to enter the gallery): Sheep and Wool (2009) CERES 50th Anniversary Party New York City (2009) Family Visit! Snows of UP Singles
The “Walkabout” series was created as a place to display a small collection of photos related only by their creation in a common place and time (within a few hours). I’ve posted very few new Walkabouts in the past few years. This is because I’ve taken less photos and when I have, it’s overwhelmingly been at events or vacations. I’m trying to take more photos and as a result, I have a new Walkabout. Jaime and I were wandering around a local fair and I got enough strong photos to justify making a tiny gallery. I hope you enjoy. (Click on the photo to enter the gallery)