Nov 022012

R and loops don’t get along. It’s usually easier and faster to vectorize your problem.


The apply function allows you to perform calculations across an entire matrix, extremely rapidly. It’s also easier to write than a for loop.


I have some data tables I entered using read.table.

> head(data)
                     X3dpfE   X3dpfS   brain1   brain2   brain3   heart1   heart2   heart3   liver1   liver2   liver3
ENSDARG00000000001 1.562704 1.302656 3.386386 4.501326 3.770699 4.410918 3.119245 4.981105 4.543457 4.660851 4.166984
ENSDARG00000000002 1.868292 2.669400 3.774026 2.148060 3.342408 6.346923 5.704955 6.396921 3.177544 2.848264 3.031184
ENSDARG00000000018 5.537198 6.120828 6.227827 5.199024 6.745472 7.235136 4.266326 7.304808 6.080495 5.901095 6.149637
ENSDARG00000000019 8.307379 8.347306 7.602548 7.846188 7.367002 5.948792 6.926612 5.624044 7.266805 6.870143 7.184076
ENSDARG00000000068 4.499482 3.008155 3.887356 3.989466 4.078162 4.942363 4.140618 5.336359 5.254668 4.807248 4.800853
ENSDARG00000000069 7.198090 6.767412 3.703204 4.509300 3.804258 5.377648 5.205194 5.073296 7.843168 8.043932 7.857601

I want to get the mean between specific columns. This is how you use the apply function to quickly do this.

> meanBrain13 = apply(data[c(3,5)],1,mean)
> head(meanBrain13)
ENSDARG00000000001 ENSDARG00000000002 ENSDARG00000000018 ENSDARG00000000019 ENSDARG00000000068 ENSDARG00000000069 
          3.578543           3.558217           6.486649           7.484775           3.982759           3.753731

The “1” before the mean tells apply to use the mean function between the COLUMNS. If you use “2”, then it takes the mean of each individual column.

> meanBrain13 = apply(data[c(3,5)],2,mean)
  brain1   brain3 
2.931025 2.909532

To write this data in a tab delimited table format without any quotes, use write.table.

> write.table(meanBrain13,file="meanBrain13.cqn.rpmk.dat",sep="\t", quote=FALSE)

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